Re: cruit
If I were to offer guidance to anyone considering embarking on a start-up at its and possibly their outset, I would recommend advice I read at the same stage in my life and promptly ignored: “My advice is to take no advice.” But if you plan on making a dent in the universe, as Steve Jobs suggested, then I would consider that the sooner you start the better. For two simple reasons. First, as life proceeds it accumulates obstacles, albeit decidedly attractive obstacles like houses with picket-fences in the suburbs, marriage, kids and the prospects of promotion within the field of your choice. Second, the brain becomes more hard-wired with each passing year into you mode of living. The people I have known most able to take risks are those who’ve had most jobs, because the fear of losing any one job never becomes ingrained. It is also a truism that the sooner you start to try something, the easier it is to adapt it to your nature. With the effective deregulation of the global airline i...